Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Cup Runs Over

Me Pri and Heather

My life is full of blessings.  Husband, sons, siblings, friends, a beautiful house on land, freedom of religion, even though I am not feeling well, for the most part we have our health and enough money to pay our bills and have food on the table. 
This weekend we celebrated Pri's son, Zion's fourth birthday.  Honoring this little boy and spending time with friends that I love is yet another blessing I soaked in.  I miss the south on a regular basis.  But in my heart I know I am home at least for now...
Fatigue and pain has once again invaded my body.  I had a great deal of pain today.  I did manage to get some of my chores done...I don't know how much more of this I can take.  I feel as bad as I did before diagnosed with low vitamin D.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dance Your Socks Off!

God is moving mightily in my life, the life of my sons and our church. Anyone who knows me at all knows that the last few years have been difficult and at times seemingly impossible for me to bear.  I am beginning to understand through life lessons what a delicate balance living the Christian life can be.  Just a step away can feel like millions of miles and virtually impossible to find the way home.  After struggling for months and months it took a child's book by Max Lucado titled Because I Love You, for me to get it...I cannot do it on my own. The only way back is to call out to our Savior and let him fetch us. The part I find amusing is, that I spent so much time miserable, searching and fretting just to find out that all that is needed is one cry.  At the same time, that information is so comforting that knowing that truth alone is enough to put a smile on my face and security in my spirit.  I have also noticed that I have select hearing. When I chose to ignore something my father is telling me, I noticed, that is is easier to miss the next thing and even easier to miss the next until I am near deaf to him and his direction.  He pointed that out to me when I was trying to correct my 14 year old son, who, by the way, was doing the same thing to me.
I feel like I have come full circle.  The prodigal daughter has finally gotten out of the filth of the pig's pen and came home to the father's house. Last Sunday he sat up a feast for me and my brothers and sisters.  I freely worshiped and enjoyed his presence. Touched by Pastor Kristy I was slain in the spirit and laid in the presence of God.  I felt like part of me died.  I think that it did.  A part of me that was ready to be removed from my life was cut off.  When I woke I began praising him, dancing and spinning like a child.  After wards I walked normally to get some water, but filled with the spirit I couldn't move to get a cup and the feeling spread throughout me and I spent a good portion of service paralyzed. All that seemed to work properly was my mouth.  There was so much freedom and joy that I was filled with laughter, worried a few and entertained some. Once I recovered enough to walk my eldest son helped me back to my seat. I wish I could remember Pastors message.  I know it was good...It always is. After service a member came to me and told me that when she was slain in the spirit she had a vision of angels dancing around and laughing with a church member.  When she awoke she looked over and saw that it was me. I find that amazing....is this the first time? How much do we miss? I want to be in tune with God and his heavenly hosts.  I want to feel them and see them on occasion as well.  I want to live a lifestyle of praise...Sunday morning Christian should never be enough in the life of a believer.

Samuel 6:14
And David danced before the LORD with all his might, wearing a priestly garment.

Friday, September 7, 2012

It's Getting Better All the Time

Funny how my life has changed.  I was struggling so badly.  I had little to no relationship with God.  My Bible laid collecting dust and my prayer life was non existence.  I found myself envying people who had a relationship with God. For some reason the whole prayer and devotional time does not come easy for me. One day it dawned on me, that anything of value comes with a price including relationships. Armed with that knowledge I began investing deeper in my personal relationships and started looking for cracks of opportunity to spend time with God.  I wish I could say that it was like flipping a switch, but it wasn't and although a door has been open for me to spend time in his presence, it still takes effort.  It takes me stepping away from my distractions and opening my heart, mind and spirit to Jesus.  Daily I am gaining ground.  Praying and seeking him regularly and praying for others as they come into my thoughts. I was once a prayer warrior.  I am hoping to become that again someday. 
Things here at home are better too.  Jesse is on a schedule and we have been spending more time together.  The house is running smoother and even the relationship with my older sons is stronger.  I know I love my husband and keeping our house a home and our children safe and loved is a valuable service I gladly give him. I am off one of my antidepressants.  Hopefully in the next few months I will be free of the other.
I began painting out vast family room today.  I have one wall complete and have trimmed out some of the others. It is a lovely green.  I am very tired of the current white walls that adorn the majority of our home....One day at a time, one chore at a time and one prayer at a time....our life is coming together and I am so happy....

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I am in a great deal of pain today. I woke with a headache that meta morphs into a new version instead of going away.  I think I may be coming down with something because my chest hurts and I also have a sore throat.  I have nothing inspiring to write about today, so I thought I would just randomly type and see if something special might sprout from this entry.
Tonight is the last day off from school for Wyatt.  He is anxious to go back and at the same time knows it is the beginning of a long year.  My son is starting his freshman year of school.  My eldest has his landscaping job back and my sweetheart goes back to work tomorrow night after a very extended weekend...
I happily can report that Jesse and I are doing well on our new schedule. Matter of fact I will be getting him ready for bed very soon.
Jade Benke comes every Wednesday to eat supper with us and then join AJ at BASIC on the Suny Morrisville campus.  I have known her since she and AJ were in sixth grade together.  She is like one of my own.
Maybe tomorrow I will have something uplifting to say...
Blessings on your evening.